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We need to put pressure on Democratic leaders to take decisive action in this moment. The more people we get to sign this petition, the louder we make our voices heard, the better. Please take a moment to share this with friends and family.

We are also raising money for critical abortion funds in key regions where access to care is under threat. Can you add a donation today to allow those funds to serve more people in need of help?

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Sign the petition to Joe Biden: open abortion clinics on federal lands
I just signed the petition to President Joe Biden calling on the White House to open abortion clinics on federal lands. Can you add your name too? On Friday, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, undermining a half century of precedent behind our fundamental rights to an abortion and bodily autonomy. We have to take immediate, bold action to ensure people can get the care they need in the wake of this dangerous ruling. Today we are calling on President Biden and the White House to take executive action to open abortion clinics on federal lands. This small step could help expand access to life-saving abortion care for people in all 50 states.