Thank you, Bernie

Bernie Sanders fought for all of us. Now, we need to thank him. Will you sign Alexandria's thank you note? 

Thank you for fighting for all of us from the very beginning, and throughout your entire life.

Thank you for fighting the hard, lonely fights in true devotion to a people’s movement in the United States.

Thank you for inspiring me to run for office. You made this broke girl from the Bronx believe that a grassroots movement was possible and winnable, and that everyday, working people are powerful enough to overcome the entrenched interests of corrupted power and systems.

You have shown us that victory is ours for the organizing, even if not always guaranteed. Thank you for demonstrating that it IS possible to serve authentically, without compromising our values or integrity, and with the ferocious urgency and paradigm-challenging leadership that this moment demands.

Thank you for it all. We love you. #NotMeUs

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